Wednesday, 2 May 2012

NEIL - video installitation youtube videos

1968-"THE ALPHABET" by David Lynch

It lasts for 3.45 and is a random sequence involving the use of the alphabet. It starts off with children singing the beginning of the alphabet to what looks like a women laying in a bed. It uses a mix of animation and real footage throughout the video, the real footage being in black and white, and the animation being a mix of colour and black and white, mainly using bright colours such as orange and red. The only time the alphabet is shown is through animation of them appearing in one shot, and near the end of the video when the girl in the bed is doing strange movements as the letters appear. The video is very strange and doesn't quite add up or flow. it is very random.

"SAND ART" by Kseniya Simonova
on Ukraine's Got talent

This video lasts for 8.33 seconds and isn't a formaly made video like the first one due to the fact it was on a television program so was just a recording of a live event not a proper made short film/video. It shows Kseniya Simonova in "Ukraine's got talent" using sand as a base to create pictures that mean a lot to her and show emotion alongside music to go with the mood. It shows the audience and judges react to the different images such as crying, showing that some had more meaning behind them. The atmosphere she was in was also quite dark, using dimmed lights and candles to create that more creative effect.

"TELLING LIES" by Simon Ellis

This is a  British short video only lasting 1.27. And is a blank video only showing writing on screen as people are talking o the phone. The background is black and it uses red and white font as the people are speaking. As the people are speaking the words come up to join the tone and speed of the persons voice. However sometimes what the people are saying doesn't come out the same on the video, it comes up with what the person is thinking, such as one guy is asking another if he slept with his girlfiend, the man is saying no but the words on screen is saying yes.

"THE KISS" by Kye Wilson

This video  was directed by Kye Wilson and Deniese Callender. It lasts for 6.59 and is an award winning set of five 60 second video pieces. There all basically figures in this silk like material trying to relate to one word that the certain clip is called. The first one being called "resurrection" showing what appears to be a women under this material, first a panning close up of her legs under this material, and she is still, then it is a mid shot showing the whole figure moving slowly around in this material, then at the end once again a close up, but this time panning the upper body with no moving. There is whipsering going on throughout this clip. The second clip is called "Virus", and again it shows a women under this material, appearing to be struggling slightly, the clip of the woman doubles and another version of the women forms into the original, creating weird shapes before it fades out. There is an kind of heart-beaty music going on in the background. The third clip is called "trace" this one is quite black only showing the top half of a person in this cloth, moving their head from side to side gracefully alongside outside noises such as crickets and a graceful music. The next clip is called "the kiss" and the name sums it up as it is a man and a women under the cloth kissing to slow music. The clip sometimes has two version of them over the top of each other at the same time. The fifth clip is called "scream" and shows the top part of a women under the cloth at a really fast pase going from side to side to very static music that matches the struggle and pressure clearly coming from the figure like they are screaming. As the sound gets more static and louder you start to see the womans face through the cloth untill the end there is no cloth just the women moving her head from side to side screaming.

2001 - "STILL LIFE" by Sam Taylor-Wood

This video lasts for 3.18, and is what it says, a still life showing a bowl of fresh lovely fruit, and a pen next to it. There is no music, just the image basically showing the fruit decay over time, showing how something so nice can go horrible. The video shows all this grey mist-like substance coming off of the fruit and the fruit go all grey and fall apart, getting lower to the bowl they are sat in.

2002- "A LITTLE DEATH"  bySam Taylor-Wood

This video is very similar to the "Still life" but with a Rabbit next to a piece of fruit on a table. The video lasts 4.56 and basicaly shows the Rabbit decay. As the Rabbit starts to decaya you see the rabbits skin kind of vibrate, it looks like a little mole is travelling through the rabbit by the way the skin is moving. It is a sped up video otherwise it would take to long to show. It shows it travelling through the body and you see the animal slowly fall apart. By the end of the clip all is left is some skin and the furr off of the Rabbit. The only thing that confused me with this clip, is how the peach is still fresh next to a completely decayed Rabbit?

"HYSTERIA" by Sam Taylor Wood

This video clip lasts for 8.16, and is basicaly a close up shot of a womens face in front of a black screen. It is a silent clip all you have is the video and the whole clip just shows this women laughing hysterically over something unknown.

Ukrainian independence Building Wide Projector Show

Unknown who made this video. It lasts for 5.50 and like the "SAND ART", it was a live recording not a short film. It is basically a big building being used as a giant prop in which a projector is playing around with the building using light and other animation. In this video you see things like the pillars being lowerd by the projector and balls dropping out the top, all projector work, you see things like a dog projected to be walking on the top of the building, and also different parts of the building being lit up at different times. This was obviously made in a proper sequence as it was cleverly thought out and more animation as built up as the clip goes on, a lot of thought went into the sequence.

Six minutes of stuff getting destroyed
(in super slow motion)

Again another clip in wich the creator is unknown. This clip is 6.49 and throughout the whole thing you have very clever images of different objects getting destroyed, the first one being a pot dropped onto the floor, soon as the pot his the floor this slow bassed music starts up. Some of the clips of things getting destroyed are very clever, where they are all slowed right down you get to see the object break apart and some of them look quite pretty and you really get a good look of what something looks like when it gets broken. Every time something is destroyed, right at the end the clip is sped up to normal speed. One in particular that is quite shocking is when a man karate chops a block of concrete, you see his hand bend right foward and ripple and it is quite horrible to see. There is a lot of different things, from close up of objects to showing people do something with an object, however not every clip has something breaking. You get to see a good variety of colours so the video is quite vibrant.

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