A protaginist is the charatcer we are usually following, they are the hero or heroine in the story.
- Picaresque hero --> Uses wits to get out of situations (Aladin and James Bond are examples, however are not examples for thrillers)
- Unaware hero --> A protaginist who stumbles into a plot (Clay in the film Awake is an example)
- Unreliable narrator/hero --> Credability compromised, so the information you are being given from the proganisit may not be true and reliable. (Lenny from Momento is an example of this, due to his accident he can not process new memories, therefor he tries to remember by tattooing key information on his body, taking photos and writing them down, which means they could not be the exact truth and reliable sources of information.
- Woman in peril
- False villian
An antagonist is the villian/the bag guy, they generally attempt to stop the protaginist.
- False hero --> A protaginist that appears to be the hero, but is soon discovered as the opposite.
- With Conspiracy thrillers, the governent or agancies are the villian in the plot
- Companies could be the antaginist in a thriller
- A maniplator --> A bad charatcer that forces a protaginist to do something out of their will (an example is the anganist in phone booth, forces the protaginist to stay in the booth by aiming a sniper at him for a distant building, while telling him to do other things throughout the film.
- Murders
- Rapists
- Kidnappers
- Absent villian --> could be included in supernatural thrillers (The happening, contagion, the mist are all supernatural films that have the antagonist as things of nature and not a human/companies a group etc.
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