Thursday, 26 January 2012


When it was time to do the final touches of my children’s drama, all I had left to do was edit. So I went onto “Premiere Pro”, a piece of editing software, and clicked on new project. It came up with the types of screen sizes we could choose from, from DV-NTSC standard to HVD. I clicked on DV-PAL and chose widescreen 48. It opened up and I got a big screen with a timeline on at the bottom of the screen, a screen at the top right to watch my clips on, and the place to import the clips to on the top left. 
Before I could import my clips I had to change the format of them. I did this by going onto the folder they were in, and then clicking on “tools” at the top of the screen, and then “folder options”. It came up with a few tabs and I clicked on “view” and then I un ticked “Hide extensions for known file types”. When I did this it then showed the name of the clips followed by “.MOV” I then had to change every clip from “MOV” TO “MPG”. When I did this I went back on to Premier Pro and clicked on “file” and then “import” and imported all my clips into a box on the time corner.
When I had all my clips there and ready to use, I found my first clip that I needed and dragged it on the timeline. I did this with all my clips, putting them in the right order ready to edit, however I left a gap between each clip, in case I decided to re-film something or add something in, and to make it clearer to see all the different clips. I put them on Video 1 and audio 1 on the timeline, I did this because they are my main clips and I needed the sound as well as the picture. I first of all watched all my clips at once to see how badly it needed editing and to see if it flowed properly. Once I had watched it all, I then started to cut down my first clip by using the cut tools in the tools box on the right hand side of the screen. The first clip was a bit long before anything actually happened, so I cut a chunk of the beginning out. Another clip a character in the scene was walking too slow compared to the one following after, so I right clicked on the clip and went onto speed duration and sped the clip up, so it seemed like he was walking faster.  During this I found out that it was too long, and decided to get rid of a few unnecessary clips, when my characters are going into the kitchen. Instead I made them go straight into the lounge, saving time and also it didn’t drag on for too long. After all the clips were the right length and weren’t jumpy. When the end of a scene was over, I would go onto effects at the bottom left of the screen, click on it and type in “cross dissolve”. When it came up I would drag it onto the end of the clip I wanted it to be on, and the beginning of the next, so that It faded up slower than just if it quickly appeared, making it looked formal. I did this to show passing of time.
I did go back later on a shorten a few other clips after feedback from others, such as one clip, a close up of a TV screen as a game is being played was said to be too long with nothing in between, so I shortened it down, and cut back to the two characters in my drama playing it, to show their emotion and to make it more interesting.  
After that, when I was happy with the sequence, there were no black frames in between clips and everything ran as smoothly as it could, I decided to work on a soundtrack, I decided firstly to do the diagetic sounds, which are sounds that are visible to the viewer on the screen or that is implied to be present by the action of the film, for example a knocking at the door, a fire alarm going of, or music being represented by instruments on screen. So the first diagetic sound I had to find was the sound of a doorbell being rung. Luckily I had planned ahead, and already recorded the sound of the doorbell at the house I used, for the scene where one of my characters rings the doorbell. So I dragged it onto the timeline and instead of putting it on audio and video 1, I unlinked the clip, by right clicking on the clip and clicking “unlink” and dragged the sound down to audio 2, and deleted the picture, so that all I had left was the sound of the doorbell. Once I did that I went onto the next scene that needed an audio effect. This was the one where a loud banging and crashing noise wakes my characters up, so I went onto a website called “Free Sound”, where you can download background noises, tunes, any type of sound for free, and found a clip of a crashing noise and downloaded it.  When I downloaded I then imported it straight away and put it in the area I wanted it to, again into audio 2. I cut it down to how I wanted it and turned the sound level on audio 2 a bit higher for more impact.  After I had put all the effects on that I needed, I then did the soundtrack, again I went onto Free Sound and chose a song that I would use all the way through, and another tune for the cliff-hanger. I downloaded it and imported it the same as my sound effects and put them onto the timeline where I wanted them. A part of my children's drama I needed the audio from audio 1 to be turned down slightly so the music would be louder and be the center of attention in the scene. I did this by putting a key frame in the beginning and the end of the sound that I wanted to be turned down, and the same with the part of the soundtrack that I needed to turn up. To put a key frame in I simply just went onto the little box that said "Audio 1" first and clicked on the dot that had to arrows either side of it, where I had put the red curser a dot appeared, so then I moved the curser a bit more to the right and clicked again so I got another dot next to it, I then moved the cursor to the part where I wanted the audio to go up again, and clicked on the dot twice again. After than I was able to lower the sound to whatever pitch I wanted during which the music was louder. I used the key frame to turn the music up.
When all my clips were ready and all my sound was on, I had to do my after effects. I got part of the clip I wanted effects onto, and created a green glowing circle on that part of the clip, to do that I had to line all these points up from the black and green, so it looked like it was glowing. I couldn’t have the glow on all the time however as the picture on the clip moved and it would have looked stupid, so I had to improvise and have it glowing at certain times, and again I cut a bit of the clip it was to be out, so it looked like during one really short clip it wasn’t meant to be glowing so it wasn’t so obvious.  Once I had done that all I had left to do was the font for the title, the characters name and the people who helped with the project. To do that I just went to the top of the screen and clicked “title” and then “new title”. It came up with a box and I got to choose a font, colour and type in what I wanted, I did this a few times for the title of my drama and all the names of the people who helped and that was in it. When I did this I dragged them onto the part of the timeline that I wanted them to be on and used the affect “cross dissolve” so that they would fade in and out so they didn’t just disappear tackily. I did the same with the end credits and the “to be continued”
Once my children’s drama was all ready I then went onto “file” and then clicked on “export” I exported it as a MPG file and it rendered my work together to make it smoother, and created it into one file so that I could watch it on things like “Windows Media Player”

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


What is qualitative research?
Qualitative research is designed to get a better understanding to people’s ideas on a topic and what they think based on personal experiences and their feelings. It is helpful as it can tell us how people feel and why they feel as they do. It is useful for example in a shop, deciding whether to keep a certain brand of clothing as surveys from customers could show how happy they are with the product. It is concerned with collecting in-depth information asking questions such as why do you say that? About a certain topic. Samples tend to be smaller compared with quantitative projects that include much larger samples. Depth interviews or group discussions are two common methods used for collecting qualitative information. Examples of qualitative research are things such as, interviews, diaries, or things like a questionnaire of a poll to get information from the public.
Advantages of qualitative research
The good thing about qualitative research is that it is easy accessible to anyone as you can just make a questionnaire about what you want to know and get feedback from anyone easily. It’s also good as you get to know people’s thoughts and feelings about a topic and if it’s needed for a documentary for example if the documentary consists of following a certain group of people around in the daily lives, you gain insight into their lives and you gain experience and information you can use from that.

Disadvantages of qualitative research
The disadvantages of qualitative research is  that the opinions aren’t facts and a person could be lying or the information they give could not be useable, for example if you asked for an opinion on a film and all they said was “it’s really good” you can’t use that opinion as it doesn’t explain why they like it. It could also be unreliable as sources could be bias to a topic that you asked their opinion of, so they may not give an honest answer on the question if they are strongly against or for it, so sometimes qualitative analysis isn’t always reliable so having a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research is best.

What is quantitative research?
Quantitative research is numerical data or data that can be converted into numbers, for example clinical trials or the National Census, which counts people and households. Quantitative research can also be used to measure attitudes, satisfaction, commitment and a range of other useful market data and market metrics that can tracked over time and used as part of a wider business planning and business strategy process. Instead of opinions it is more factual, so is useful for business when seeing for example how much stock is being sold in a period of time, and what periods of time is stock more popular than others. Examples of quantitative research include graphs, tallies and statistics.
Advantages of quantitative research
An advantage of quantitative research is that it will provide reliable information in terms of accuracy, so if a company wants more realistic results then quantitative research is better, as qualitative research can be unreliable and it just opinion not fact. It reduces the bias because again it isn’t people opinions so it wouldn’t be a lie or is unusable; it is proper gathered together information. It is also quick to use, as the information provided can be put into things like tallies, graphs etc, so there for it would be quicker to get hold of, rather than trying to sort together different opinions.
Disadvantages of quantitative research
The disadvantages of quantitative research is that where it’s more statistical, it will lack insight into the meaning, feelings and motivations of the public, it will lack opinions of generally what people think of an idea or company. Also it will need constant updating. Being factual it will change overtime and there for if it is not changed, the statistics of a company for example will change and then be unreliable to use as it would be old statistics.
The documentary “SUPERSIZE ME” uses quantitative alongside with qualitative research in the opening sequence of the documentary for an eye-opening introduction to the topic choice and to try and get people interested in the documentary. It says things qualitative research such as when  Morgan Spurlock is questioning people on the street, he asks them if they eat McDonalds and if so how often, and one woman said she wouldn’t here because it doesn’t seem clean. This is qualitative as it is someone’s opinion and the opinion could change at any time. Other qualitative answers was when Morgan asked people about American’s suing McDonalds for making them fat, one man said “If these fast food places can put their signs up, if I can walk by them and just totally ignore them and say I’m not hungry I don’t need this, they can do it too” Another man said “I think there’s a lot of focus on the fast food companies because they are mentioned more than vertically all the other causes, in most of the articles, books and studies are about why it’s a sudden epidemic, again it can’t be the neighbourhood restaurant, we’ve had neighbourhood restaurants for hundreds of years, it can’t be the foods we eat at home, we’ve been eating at home for hundreds of years” These would be useful in an argument against fast food as they are the average people’s opinions, but as I said before they can become unreliable as they could quickly change and would need updating. “SUPERSIZE ME” uses more quantitative research more than qualitative, to get the fact and realism over to the audience. It says from the very beginning facts such as nearly 100 million Americans are today either overweight or obese, and that that’s more than 60% of all US adults. It also shows pictures to back up the facts, a good one was showing two animated girls side by side, the first one been a 14 year old girl and 4ft 10, you see balloon to 170 pound, and then the other being 19 years old, 5ft 6, you see balloon to 270 pounds. This is a good way to represent the facts as reading pages of facts and hearing them all the time at once can be boring, so showing animations to go with them engages the viewer and proves the point the fact is trying to make.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Misery was made in 1990, and it is an American psychological horror film based on Stephen King's 1987 novel of the same name.  The plot of the story is about Paul Sheldon, a best-selling novelist on his way home from his Colorado hideaway after completing his latest book, not realising there is a snow storm on the way, he crashes his car in the freak blizzard. Paul is badly injured, but is rescued by former nurse Annie Wilkes, Paul's "number one fan", who takes Paul back to her remote house in the mountains. Unfortunately for Paul, Annie is also head case that is in love with Paul’s novels called Misery. When she discovers that Paul has killed off the heroine in her favourite novels, her reaction leaves Paul shattered and vulnerable to Annie's psychotic mood.

Thrillers are designed to make the audience ask questions and give them a sense of nervousness for the protagonist’s safety. I think Misery does it well because it uses things such as difference in camera shots, from the beginning scene you get close up shots of a cigarette, a wine glass, champagne in ice, and then onto a typewriter that Paul is using. Paul is the protagonist of the story, you can tell he is as he is at mercy of the villain of the story Annie, and we throughout the film worry about his safety and care about what is going to happen to him. Another way to tell that he is a protagonist is because he is the character we follow throughout the film, which is usually the protagonist. Annie is the antagonist, an antagonist is the villain of the story they are usually quite manipulative and cunning and in most cases go out of their way to harm the protagonist. Showing the close up of the items I mentioned previously is important to the viewer as it is vital at the end of the story when Paul tries to escape using these elements shown at the beginning, so it shows that the beginning is important to the end. But it is not clear as to why at the beginning these are shown in close-ups, so in doing so, makes the audience automatically ask questions.
Halfway through the film, Paul finds a hairclip on the floor, and uses it, when Annie goes out, to unlock the room he is stuck in, and starts to explore the house, tension is built up during these scenes, and you get close up shots of Paul using the hairclip to unlock the door, and of a penguin ornament that is nearly smashed to the floor, Paul catches it, the camera changing to a close of us his face in relief, these shots are used often throughout the film as we get to see Paul’s thoughts and emotions by his expressions and also his body language which adds to the tension created. However when he puts the penguin ornament back, he puts it back facing the opposite way, automatically building tension with the audience as we know that that wasn't the right position and it makes us wonder if he will be in trouble for it. These scenes are also playing with the viewers mind as all the while you can see what Annie is doing as it is cutting back to her, so dramatic irony is also used in this thriller. Dramatic irony is basically when the audience knows more about what’s going on than the protagonist does. The closer Annie gets to her house, the more quicker cuts from one character to the other are used, creating suspense and really playing with the viewers mind, it is especially nerve racking for the audience as he only hears her what she pulls up, and he is still on the kitchen floor, so the audience wonder if Paul will make it back into his room in time. We worry about Paul’s safety as he tries his hardest to get back to his room, cutting from him wheeling his chair to his room, to her walking up the steps to her house. This film built tension really well especially when again we see that close-up of Paul using the paper clip again in the door, but this time panicking to lock it while Annie is unlocking the front door, this is good because it shows the panic that the situation is and it makes the audience's heart beat faster, it makes them feel awkward as they want to get out of the situation because they feel like they are in the film themselves. Panic is built from Paul right to the end, as he was sweating. Another thriller that uses quick cut shots well is the series "SPOOKS" as in one episode in a train station, there is a lot of flashing shots from the protagonist to the antagonist, showing the antagonist going out of his way to try and stop the protagonist and it makes us worry for the protagonist safety. Another good camera shot in Misery in the close up of Annie's face, it is useful as it shows the expression on her face, whether she is happy or angry, the camera shot is always tilting up at Annie, showing from Paul’s point of view, her dominance over Paul and how threatening she is to him. It is especially suspense creating when she is angry, as the close up shot shows the real psychotic look in her eyes, and it worries the audience because she could flip and hurt Paul at any moment as she is clearly dominant over him.

 You can tell that this film as a thriller, as thrillers are designed to make the audience ask questions and feel awkward throughout and Misery does this from the very beginning with these close up shots, and also by constantly making you feel on edge and asking questions. From the moment Paul crashes his car in the snow you are left wondering if he will make it out, and when he gets rescued, you don't see the face of the person who saved him, so questions such as "Who is this person?" and "How did they find Paul so quickly?" comes to mind.

You can also tell that Misery is a thriller through the diagetic and non diagetic sound used. Diagetic sound is basically Sound of which the source is visible to the viewer on the screen or is implied to be present by the action of the film, for example a telephone ringing or music being represented by instruments on screen. Non diagetic sound is where the source isn’t visible on the screen and hasn’t been implied to be present in the action. So this includes things like the soundtrack and the narrator’s commentary. Misery use classic non diagetic sounds, such as music that gets louder and faster as the tension builds, using instruments such as string instruments. The main example of this being used is when Paul is exploring the house, when the audience can also see Annie travelling back in her car, the tension is already high, but with the use of the music building up; it really puts the audience on edge. I liked the fact that the first soundtrack is really happy and bouncy when Paul is driving his car, which is good because it conflicts with the film as a whole as the film is the opposite of happy. It is good because it makes you think he will be ok, which he isn’t, and so when he crashes his car into the snow, the music dramatically stops and your left with the noise of the wind howling and the film becomes more intense.

Flashbacks of what Paul did previously is shown in this film, this is good because it shows how he got to where he is in the story, it shows him with items used in the film, such as his old script bag, and him with another character in the story, his publisher, and him talking to her about how it was time for him to stop writing the Misery books and start writing something new, there for he killed this character off, and in doing so puts him in danger later on with Annie. Another film that uses flashbacks just as well is the film "SHUTTER ISLAND" This film uses flashbacks throughout the film, whereas Misery only at the beginning. It works well for this film as it helps the audience piece together what is going on through objective character identification, as with these flashbacks you can clearly see how he feels, by the clear expressions on his face, and by the gloom and dark bland colours, showing that the memories are not good ones. It works for this film as it helps to show what is constantly going through his mind and why he acts why he does. Objective character identification is basically where you can see a characters thoughts and opinions through the use of flashbacks and/or flash forwards.

Colour is important in thrillers as it can help build tension and suspense, Misery's flashbacks are very bright and cheerful, showing he was happy in them memories, and then the present day in the film is much more blander in colour, showing the pain and suffering he is going through. Colour is also used well with the title sequence in Misery, it starts when Paul is driving in the blizzard, and stands out straight away as it is bright bloody red, showing the doom and gloom that the movie really is and that he is in danger from the blizzard and of Annie. It is a contrast because snow is referred to happier things such as Christmas and snow ball fights, whereas the title is much more depressing. It is also reinforced with cheerful, bouncy music, using instruments like a Saxophone and a Tambourine. So it creates questions for the audience as to why if it is such a cheerful scene, and why there is such a depressing title sequence. Then when Paul starts to roll down the snowy hill, car turning over many times, the music stops and you can hear the wind howling, making the scene seem much more negative than a few seconds before and making audience realise why it was as gloomy as your left worrying if Paul will make it out alive.

Misery is a chronological narrative, as everything happens in the right order, from start to finish. There is only a few flashbacks in the film, but they don't confuse the viewer as it just shows him in the past talking to his publisher about killing off his Misery character and moving on with different novels. But having these flashbacks doesn't make it an anachronic modular narrative, as an anachronic modular narrative is a narrative that relies on flashbacks and/or flash forwards and often repeats stories directly or via a different perspective. A good example of a thriller that uses this narrative is "MOMENTO" as throughout the film it repeats parts of scenes that have already happened, to make more sense to the viewer, and is based on flashbacks and flash forwards and is also set with the beginning being the end, and working it's way backwards showing the viewer how "Lenny" got to that point that we see at the beginning.

Thrillers are always restricted narrations, as I said before; they are made to keep the viewer guessing as to what's going on as it is unclear. Restricted narration is where the audience is given selective information, usually about a topic or a few topics of choice, unlike an unrestricted narration, where the narrative has no limits as to what information they can give you, things like a news channel. In Misery's case it is a restricted narration, as sometimes you don't know what Annie is doing when she isn't with Paul, also when Paul is writing Misery's resurrection for Annie, you never find out what he writes.
Misery also has the use of subjective character identification, as throughout the film we are given insight and are following Paul and the sheriff of the small town, also we sometimes follow Annie. Subjective character identification is where the viewers is given unique access to what a range of characters see and do. So with the sheriff, we follow him as he tries to figure out where Paul is, from driving around the roads he went, to being in a helicopter looking for Paul's car. We follow the sheriff until he starts to be suspicious of Annie and goes to visit her, it gets our hopes up when he hears Paul shouting just as he is about to leave, and goes to his aid, sadly he gets shot by Annie and the hope is gone again and the audience is left questioning Paul's safety once again.  Misery’s also follows Tzvetan Todorovs theory of narrative, as step one is a state of equililibrium, equilibrium meaning normal occurrences, which is when Paul just finishing off his latest novel in satisfaction, and then drives off in his precious car. Step two being a disruption of the equilibrium, being when Paul crashes his car and gets badly injured. The third part is when there is recognition that there has been a disruption. This part being when Paul wakes up in an unknown room in a lot of pain and meets psychotic Annie. This stage of Todorv's theory occurs throughout the film however as Annie a flip at Paul a few times in the film and the calm state vanishes. Point four being an attempt to repair the disruption. This part of the film being when Paul starts to sneakily try and get his own back on Annie, but trying to put the medicine she has been giving him in her drink, which she spills, and then at the end attacking her in an effort to save himself. And finally point five being a reinstatement of the narrative structure. Being when Paul is back with his agent talking about another new novel he has wrote, everything is ok with him and his equilibrium is restored.

Twists and turns are quite frequent in thrillers, to keep the pace going and keep the audience on edge at all times and to keep them asking questions about what's going on, and what will happen. A good twist at the end of a thriller usually make the film that bit more interesting and gripping, due to the fact a lot of thrillers have them and it makes the audience wonder if what is going on is that simple or if there is something behind it all. Misery doesn't have any major twist at the end that we don't expect, other than Paul getting his own back on Annie, using his cunning mind and quick thinking to overpower her. There is however the turning point in the film, where Paul starts to fight back secretly, but hiding his pills and a knife under his mattress, waiting for that effect opportunity to strike back, which is good as their now obvious twists that the audience wasn't expecting, but there good twist as the same as it gives the audience hope. "THE PRESTIGE" has a really good twist at the end, being that one of the magicians seems to be the ultimate magician, when at the end we find out, his friend, was actually his identical twin brother, disguised so people would never know their secret, and he was helping with all the magic tricks, especially one where one brother walks through a door, and then is supposed to appear straight away at the other. It is such a good twist as we were never expecting it, and it pieces everything together to make it make sense.

There are two types of mysteries, the open mystery and the closed mystery. An open mystery is where the audience know who committed the crime from the beginning and we watch as the protagonist pieces together the mystery to find out them who committed the crime. A closed mystery is where even the audience don’t know who committed the crime, so a closed mystery is connected to the “whodunit.” The “whodunit” is basically a plot of the story where in which the puzzle is the main feature of interest.  From the protagonist Pauls view, Misery doesn’t follow either of these types of mysteries due to the fact no one committed a crime as his accident was of natural causes. However we could say form the sheriff’s point of view, it is an open mystery, as when the story goes on, the sheriff is convinced Paul has been kidnapped and is trying to figure out who kidnapped him, and the audience knows it is Annie, so there is also dramatic irony in the plot. As I said previously dramatic irony is where the viewer knows more information than the characters.

There are a few character archetypes in thrillers. We have all the different protagonists. As I said before protagonists are the good guys, they are usually the characters we follow is the story and are more than not at the mercy of the antagonist. The antagonist is the bad guy, the character or characters that go out of their way to stop or harm the protagonist. We have a few different types of protagonists; we have the picaresque hero which is a protagonist that uses wits and quick thinking to get out of unwanted and awkward situations. There is the unaware hero, which is a protagonist that accidently stumbles into a plot. We have the handicapped hero. This is a protagonist that either has a mental or physical state of disability. There is also the false hero. This is a character that you think is good, or they portend to be but, but turns out to be bad. There is also an unreliable narrator. This means if the protagonist we are following maybe is injured in some way or isn’t sure as to what’s going on, the information we are given. Paul is a handicapped protagonist in the story, as he is stuck in his bed or a wheelchair due to his accident. You could say he is also a picaresque hero, because he quickly realises a lot of the time he has to agree with Annie to get out of situations, and uses quick wit and thinking to get himself out of her mercy, by hiding a petrol canister in his jacket, and then asking Annie to get the things he always has when he has finished a novel. Champagne, a wine glass and a cigarette, so there for matches. And with these items he gets his own back on Annie by burning the novel and then attacks her.  There are different types of antagonists also, like a false hero; we can also have the false villain. Like in “MOMENTO” we are convinced the character “Teddy” is a villain, when he is in fact a hero who was trying to help Lenny all along. But all the types of protagonists can be the same for antagonists. Also in “MOMENTO” Lenny is a handicapped hero and an unreliable narrator, as his injury, leaving him not being able to create new information, makes him vulnerable and unreliable with the information he gives us. Annie in Misery a handicapped hero, due to the fact she isn’t quite there in the head and she is also a villain that doesn’t think what she is doing is wrong, as she feels as if she is doing what God wants her to do. 

When deciding the target audience for thrillers, you have to take in mind whether the audience would be able to understand a lot of the time what is going on, with thrillers like “MOMENTO” the film starts with the end at the beginning, so if the audience was young, they may not be able to understand what is happening, as with “MOMENTO”, sometimes they repeat scenes, and there is a phone conversation during the film in which we don’t know who he is talking to and at first what about. Because of this I’d say generally for thrillers I would set the target audience for a minimum of a 15, just because being an older audience they would be able to process what is going on better than a child. I would also set thrillers generally as a 15, because generally there is language used in thrillers that would be inappropriate for children to hear, alongside with maybe some graphic or disturbing scenes, “MOMENTO” have a few graphic scenes of when he shoots a person in the head at the beginning of the film, and when he beats and strangles another man to death. If a thriller was to be on TV they generally shouldn’t be on during the day, as most thrillers have some violence or bad language and also cause of what I said previously of it being too confusing for children. Because of this it should be on after the watershed at about 10pm at least so that by that time all younger children would be in bed.

With Misery I would say it should be at least a 15 as the violence is infrequent in the film but is shocking for the audience and quite graphic. You see Paul in a car crash; his car rolls down a hill and he is knocked unconscious. His face is bloody and we later learn his legs are severely broken as you see his legs all battered and bruised. Also we see Annie break Paul’s legs, we see her put a plank of wood between his legs and then smacks his foot with a sledgehammer, you see is snap around the block of wood. This I think would be too disturbing for a child to watch so I would say Misery should be at least a 15. There isn’t much bad language in Misery. There is the odd time when “fuck” and “bitch” is used, but it isn’t frequent. Because of this Misery should definitely be on at about 10pm after the watershed, as Annie’s behaviour is unpredictable and could scare children, and especially because of the graphic scene of Paul’s legs being sledge hammered.

If a thriller was to be on TV at an earlier time, the “BBFC” would more than likely have to cut parts of the film out. The BBFC is “The British Board of Film Classification” and they sensor media and give it an appropriate certificate for the film and remove anything that could be potentially harmful to viewers. With a lot of thrillers, bad language would have to be cut out, and scenes that are graphic, such as in “MOMENTO” when he shoots Teddy at the beginning, and when he strangles another man to death. With Misery the only main scene that would need to be cut out is when Annie sledgehammers Paul’s legs as it would be disturbing to children. Other than maybe the tense scene of when Paul is trying to get back to his room before Annie catches him. So when a viewer see’s something they find shocking on telly at a certain time, they write to “Ofcom.” “Ofcom” is the communications regulator and they generally regulate the TV and radio sectors, fix line telecoms, mobiles etc. One of their main duties is to ensure that people who watch television and listen to the radio are protected from harmful or offensive material. So if a viewer see’s something they don’t like, this is the place they complain to, and “Ofcom” sort the issue out.

Where things such as violence, drugs and strong language are allowed in thrillers, a lot of the time before the film starts, we are warned, usually by the age certificate and what the film has in store, for example strong language or violence. We are usually often warned as well if there is flashing lights, so people with epilepsy won’t be able to watch it, but they will be informed. There is also the issue when filming thriller with children. When working with child actors you need to consider their health and wellbeing. As they are young they can’t just work when they like. If they are under 16, they will need a license from their local authority, so that they can participate in the film. The licence will include a medical certificate and a statement on the performing hours; if they don’t have this then they can’t be in the production. There are also a restriction on how long a child can be on set for, this is due to maybe their education, which is important as a child as every child is entitled to an education and just because their an actor/actress doesn’t mean they don’t need qualifications, so the director will have to fit filming around that, also maybe to do with their health, as having a break every so often may be needed and having some free time to themselves.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012



A protaginist is the charatcer  we are usually following, they are the hero or heroine in the story.

  • Picaresque hero --> Uses wits to get out of situations (Aladin and James Bond are examples, however are not examples for thrillers)
  • Unaware hero --> A protaginist who stumbles into a plot (Clay in the film Awake is an example)
  • Unreliable narrator/hero --> Credability compromised, so the information you are being given from the proganisit may not be true and reliable. (Lenny from Momento is an example of this, due to his accident he can not process new memories, therefor he tries to remember by tattooing key information on his body, taking photos and writing them down, which means they could not be the exact truth and reliable sources of information.
  • Woman in peril
  • False villian

An antagonist is the villian/the bag guy, they generally attempt to stop the protaginist.
  • False hero --> A protaginist that appears to be the hero, but is soon discovered as the opposite.
  • With Conspiracy thrillers, the governent or agancies are the villian in the plot
  • Companies could be the antaginist in a thriller
  • A maniplator --> A bad charatcer that forces a protaginist to do something out of their will (an example is the anganist in phone booth, forces the protaginist to stay in the booth by aiming a sniper at him for a distant building, while telling him to do other things throughout the film.
  • Murders
  • Rapists
  • Kidnappers
  • Absent villian --> could be included in supernatural thrillers (The happening, contagion, the mist are all supernatural films that have the antagonist as things of nature and not a human/companies a group etc.

Friday, 6 January 2012


What are thrillers?

Thrillers are a genre of literature, film, and television programming that uses suspense, tension, and excitement as the main elements. Thrillers effect the viewer's moods, giving them  anxiety for the charatcers safety, suspense, excitement, tension, and terror. Cliffhangers are used extensively in thrillers to keep you on edge till the end of the film. Cover-ups of important information from the viewer is used, or information being given to the viewer is unclear untill the end is also common. Fight and chase scenes are common methods in all of the thriller subgenres, although each subgenre has its own characteristics and methods.

Psychological thriller

Psychological thriller is a broad ranged thriller with heavy focus on characters. It often incorporates elements from the mystery and drama genre, along with the typical traits of the thriller genre. In addition to drama and mystery, many psychological thrillers contain elements of, and often overlap with, the horror genre, particularly psychological horror.

Conspiracy thriller

Conspiracy thrillers contain some sort of hero or heroine who are usually journalists or armature investigators who find themselves trapped in a powerfull organisation. This type of genre plays with the identification of good to overrule the evil in the world. This genre also often play with the secrecy of governments and major organisations in history. The story as it goes on, unravels powerful evidence in addition to many enimies who try to keep the secret organisations alive through lies and propoganda. These companies are then brought down by the hero or heroine.

Crime thriller

Crime thrillers often focus more on the crinimals and their activities in leading up to to the crime or in retrospect the ending of the film leading back to how it all started. Crime thrillers usually emphasise action over psychological aspects although there is also a psychological part to the genre as well. Topics of this genre include serial killers and murders, robberies, chases, shootouts, heists and double-crosses.

Disaster thrillers

Disaster thrillers follwers a person or a group of people's survival when in danger through natural or artifical disasters such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanoes. Many disaster films have have also had causes of human activity that has brough mankind to the brink of extinction through nuclear disasters which are artificial disasters. This type of genre plays with what the future is going to bring for mankind if such disasters were to happen.

Mystery thrillers

Mysterl thrillers relate a lot to crime thrillers. It focuses mostly on the efforts of the detective or private investigator in order to solve the mystery before them. Mystery thrillers looks at the circumstances of the mystery or crime itself in order to try to figure out what the clues are. This sub-genre brings more of a dramatic effect to the films during the investigation in order to know what the crime is.

Political thriller

Political thrillers looks into the stability of a government and the the reliance on a hero or heroine who must ensure the stability of the government that employs him in order to to prevent bad things happening. Commonly used senarios are the US presidential elections and the preventions of world wars occuring.

Religious thriller

Religious thrillers connects to the plots closely religious objects, institutions and questions. Many religion related films usually unravel the good and bad points about religon. This connoting the good  and how it overcomes the bad in films though a quest of finding out the truth.

Supernatural thriller

Supernatural thrillers often brings an otherworldly element that shows something out of the ordinary happening to a leading charatcer that they have to overcome. This sub-genre also mixed in with tension and suspence in addition to also having unexpected twist during the film. The leading charatcer or villians usually have a supernatural gift that help them to get to the source of the problem. This sub-genre is closely linked to religous thrillers as usually daemons entering the human body, alien life form, apparitions or the possession of a pivotal character is an element of a supernatural thriller.