Monday, 17 October 2011


Formatting a script

After clicking on "film" from the start menu, you get a blank page come up, with a load of tools at the top. The most important one it the one of the left that says "Scene heading" if you click on that it comes up with all the different parts to a script such as "character" and "disalogue" if you click on the "Scene heading"it moves your cursor to where the scene heading should be. It is a very easy programme to use as you can just click on all these different parts to the script and it moves the cursor in place for you so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself.

When getting it sorted for printing, you have to chage the format. If you go to the far top of the screen you should see things like "file", "edit" etc. Click on the script button and you should see a load of different things come up such as "import script" go to the bottom and you should see "format options" click on that and a little box should come up in the middle of the screen. Part of is says paper size and a box saying "US Letter" click on that and change it to A4 so when printing on A4 paper, it prints in the middle of the screen. Also you should see underneath that "pagination", tick hte box and also tick "show page numbers on first page". Then click on the "show scene numbers" and put "left". You need to do this as it makes it a lot easier when going back to it and having the numbers there on the page.

When finishing off your script, you need to create a title page. To do this go to the bottom of the Celtx screen and you should see tabs such as "script", "typeSet/PDF" etc. Click on the one that says "Title page" and it comes up with a blank page, with boxes ready for you to type in things like the title, who wrote it, etc. All you need to do is type in the information and it's done.

It's easy to see how your script is formatting by looking at the bottom left box on the screen that says "scenes" as below it, it shows all the scenes in your script in order so you won't get lost.

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