Thursday, 20 October 2011


Censorship and libel is basically when someone says something that cannot be backed up by any evidence, which causes offense to that person. It is a legal issue, and many celebrities sue for libel reasons from the press for making false accusations. For example, Kate Winslet always sues for things such as images of her being photo shopped or airbrushed. An example of her suing is when the Daily Mail lied about her exercise regime and she sued as it wasn’t true and got £25,000 from the newspaper and an apology. Another example of someone suing for libel is David Beckham when he claimed for libel and slander against a celebrity magazine that alleged he slept with a prostitute.

This would affect a writer as, they would have to be careful and have evidence for anything they put in a script about somebody existent. For example saying that David Beckham kissed someone in their script could get them into a lot of trouble, is they were being serious and it wasn’t true.

Censorship exists in all countries to some extent, some more than others, including the U.S.A., the U.K., Germany, etc. However. It is basically when a government censors the information available to its people and where a government seeks to keep the people in a state of ignorance.

Censorship is the control of the information and ideas within a society so there for it preventions any images that are harmful to anybody else from being seen.  Certain institutions have the legal right to edit an image that may be harmful to a viewer. “The Human Centipede 2” for example was banned by the BBFC in the UK, as it showed high levels of sexual violence, child violence and sexually degrading violence towards women.  It was banned until they got the right to edit 2 minutes worth of original footage and distribute it.
But before they edit something, they must attain the permission of the creator of the image to do so as it would be affecting copyright matters. Censorship would affect a writer as there may be certain topics that they could not write about for a plot. Also if they wrote about topics that are not suitable, it may not be showed in certain countries, losing the production company out on money.  

Monday, 17 October 2011


With script writing. The writer may have some copyright issues. For example if they were to use a famous phrase or some lines a script already made.
To prevent it from being an issue, the writer would have to get permission from the owner of the script to use the lines. So they would maybe have to email the person and give them an idea of what their script is about and why they want to use these lines in it.
Also, if the writer were to use a booknovel that is published, the writer again would have to get permission from that person who made the book before writing up a script based of the book/novel.
To overcome these problems, the ending credits could say that, if it was based on a book/novel, that it was based on that book/novel, so they are not trying to make out it is theirs.
When publishing a script. They will have tp copyright it, to do this they would have to send it to themelves and when it gets to them to not open it, incase someone tries to pass it off as theirs so the writer would have evidence.

Formatting and saving as a PDF file

When you have finished writing your script, you will need to save it as a PDF file. To do this you will need to go to the bottom of the Celtx page where the tabs such as "script" and "scratchpad" are and click on the one that says "Typeset/PDF" When you've clicked on it a blank screen should come up with a green bar going across with next to it saying "formatting script". After a few seconds it should stop and your script you come up on screen all set up as a PDF. To save it click on the button "save PDF" thats on the right of "Project Library"
When you click on it, it should come with "My Documents" and you can save it wherever you like in your documents. If My documents doesn't come up straight away, just go into "My Computer" and get my documents up from there. Or if your in college, click on it in your your "H" drive that has your log in name on and save it in there.

Formatting a script

After clicking on "film" from the start menu, you get a blank page come up, with a load of tools at the top. The most important one it the one of the left that says "Scene heading" if you click on that it comes up with all the different parts to a script such as "character" and "disalogue" if you click on the "Scene heading"it moves your cursor to where the scene heading should be. It is a very easy programme to use as you can just click on all these different parts to the script and it moves the cursor in place for you so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself.

When getting it sorted for printing, you have to chage the format. If you go to the far top of the screen you should see things like "file", "edit" etc. Click on the script button and you should see a load of different things come up such as "import script" go to the bottom and you should see "format options" click on that and a little box should come up in the middle of the screen. Part of is says paper size and a box saying "US Letter" click on that and change it to A4 so when printing on A4 paper, it prints in the middle of the screen. Also you should see underneath that "pagination", tick hte box and also tick "show page numbers on first page". Then click on the "show scene numbers" and put "left". You need to do this as it makes it a lot easier when going back to it and having the numbers there on the page.

When finishing off your script, you need to create a title page. To do this go to the bottom of the Celtx screen and you should see tabs such as "script", "typeSet/PDF" etc. Click on the one that says "Title page" and it comes up with a blank page, with boxes ready for you to type in things like the title, who wrote it, etc. All you need to do is type in the information and it's done.

It's easy to see how your script is formatting by looking at the bottom left box on the screen that says "scenes" as below it, it shows all the scenes in your script in order so you won't get lost.

How to open up a new project.

When starting up a new project, firstly you have to get the programme up on screen.
To do this you go to the start menu at the bottom of your screen. Click on it and go into programmes. at the top of the programmes bar you'll see general applications, pur your cursor on that and it'll come up with a bunch of applications you can use. Go onto celtx and then onto the normal Celtx, not safe mode.

When it comes up you'll see project templates on the left hand side of the start-up menu. You should see things like film, audio visual, theatre, audio play, etc. Double click on "film" and that opens you up into the script writing format page.

Thursday, 13 October 2011


TV Can Be Good for Kids!
1.    TV can help kids learn about a variety of subjects.
If there’s a subject your child enjoys, more likely than not, there is a TV show, movie, or educational DVD that explores the subject in detail. You might be even be surprised to find out how many kids watch and love educational shows aimed at adults. Rachael Ray, for example has a huge following among kids and tweens, and her primetime show often features kids in the kitchen.
Children’s shows, whether they bill themselves as “educational” or not, may offer opportunities to spark learning. For instance, was your child wowed by the Red Eyed Tree Frog on Go, Diego, Go!? Go online to look at pictures and read about the frog. In this way, kids are able to see how fun learning can be and establish a habit of finding out more when things interest them.
Documentary and nature shows are also entertaining and educational for kids. A great example: Meerkat Manor, on the Animal Planet, makes a soap opera out of Meerkat life and has kids hooked on the drama.  
(They are saying this as it is a good place to start off in the article, as it will interest a parent into why they should let their child sit and watch TV, and stating examples for parents to shown their children as a start off point)
2.    Through media, kids can explore places, animals, or things that they couldn’t see otherwise.
Most kids are not able to visit the rain forest or see a giraffe in the wild, but many have seen these things on TV. Thankfully, educationally minded producers have given us many shows and movies that allow viewers to see amazing footage of nature, animals, society, and other peoples. Kids and adults alike can learn from this type of media and gain a greater appreciation for our world and the animals and other people who inhabit it.  
(It gives a good opportunity for children to see unknown parts to the world and develop an interest it different parts)
3.    TV shows can inspire kids to try new activities and engage in "unplugged" learning.
When kids see their favorite characters engaged in fun learning games, they want to play too. Kids also like learning activities more if they involve beloved characters. Preschoolers’ shows are especially effective for generating ideas for learning activities and using characters to motivate kids.
If you have a child who loves Blue’s Clues, for example, you can create clues and a riddle for them to solve at home, or challenge your child to create the riddle and clues. Or, turn a regular activity into a challenge and encourage your child to solve it like the Super Sleuths do.
(Another good way to influence parents to get their children to watch different programs on TV, it’s saying children can develop role models to look up to, by becoming more physical)
4.    TV and movies can motivate kids to read books.
Of the new movies that are released each year, you can bet that several of them are based on books. Parents can challenge kids to read a book with the promise of going to the theater or renting the movie when they finish it. Or, kids may see a movie and like it so much that they decide to read the book. Discuss the differences between the book and the movie to help kids develop thinking skills.
(This will interest a parent as they will want their child to read and is giving parents an idea of how to get their child to read a book and develop skills)
5.    Kids can build analytical skills by discussing media.
What do you think will happen next? Who did it? What will the result be? What could that character have done instead? Asking these types of questions as you co-view with your children will help them learn to think, problem solve, and predict, making TV viewing a more active experience. More important than just memorizing facts, developing thinking skills will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
Also, remember those compare/contrast tests in school? You can help prepare kids for this type of literary thinking by discussing programs with them. Compare and contrast characters or shows. Who is the main character? Describe the plot. What was the setting and main idea? What was the conflict and how was it resolved? Use TV time to help kids practice for all those essay tests, and they might find that talking about this stuff can be interesting and fun!
(This point gives parents ideas on how to help children’s English for the future, and how to make TV programs and films fun but educational)
6.    Parents can use TV to help kids learn the truth about advertising.
Advertising may be annoying, but it does present yet another opportunity to develop kids’ thinking skills. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, young children may not even know the difference between programs and commercials. They are just soaking it all in and applying it to their reality. As a parent, you can explain the purpose of advertising to your kids and alert them to any deceptive tactics. Allow them to analyze the methods used by advertisers to sell a product.
(This paragraph is directly towards a parent as it says “as a parent” and will open parents eyes that children can’t tell the difference between an advert and a program)
7.    Good role models and examples on TV can positively influence kids.
Children are influenced by people they see on television, especially other kids. Obviously, this can have a negative result, but it can be positive too. Lately, kids' TV shows have begun promoting some positive agendas such as healthy living and environmental awareness. As kids see their favorite characters making positive choices, they will be influenced in a good way. Parents can also point out positive traits that characters display and thereby spark valuable family discussions.
(Saying how role models can promote positive things and influence children, and is saying to parents that by having a role model is can spark discussions)

This article is about the reasons in which TV is a good thing and can help benefit children who watch TV and films.  It’s saying how that because children love watching TV shows and movies so much, it’s a perfect opportunity to get education into the programme and develop skills they can use in the future.
The first point is basically saying that whether the programme is education or not, it can inspire children to look into things further, there example was “the red eyed tree frog”  and how if a child is interest in this enough they will look into it further by looking at pictures of it etc.  There for finding out what they are interested in by viewing children’s programmes.  
The second point is taking about the benefit that TV programmers can show children things they can’t usually see, animals and places from other countries and it is opening their eyes to the world around them in a way that is understandable for children. It’s saying a child can have the chance to appreciate what there is in the world, and be influenced with different parts of the world.
The third point is saying about how certain TV programmes can actually get children more physically active, by showing a main character doing fun activities and games and having a good time. This would make the child want to do more by looking up to a character from a programme they enjoy.  It’s also saying watching TV programmes is giving children the chance to use their minds to figure things out.  They give the example of “blue’s clues” which is a children’s programme about figuring our little problems.  This is encouraging children to use their minds to maybe make riddles or their own and develop solving skills.
Point four is basically saying that watching Children’s programme and movies made for children, and influence children to read also, it’s saying that a lot of movies are created from books and there for a child may read the book after seeing the film, developing an important skill needed for the future, by doing that they are also developing imaginative skills and thinking skills.
Point five is going into more detail about developing thinking skills, and giving a way for a child and parent to bond over something a child enjoys to do. It’s saying by letting a child watch a child TV program or a movie; you can develop discussion skills and do basic ways of getting a child into doing more analytical work in a way that’s easy and fun, and also developing how to talk to others about interests.
Point six is about advertising more than children TV programmes and movies and is basically saying that according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children can’t tell the difference between a program and an advert, and is advising parents to explain the difference and basically analyze the adverts.
And finally point seven is about role model and the benefits for children having a role model, which is usually developed by a favorite TV program. It’s saying role models can help a child be more positive, and they can use role models to promote positive things such as environmental awareness.
If I were to re-write this article I would use less complicated words, and miss out the very first paragraph and go straight into my points. If it was towards a parent, I would direct it to the parent in the first paragraph to get them more interested, and give the parent more ideas in which they can do, for example for discussions and activities. I would also give more examples of good TV programs and movies for the children to watch.
If I was writing for a child, I would really shorten my sentences, maybe use more words children of the age limit I was writing to used, and again give some examples of TV programs for the child to watch to get them interested. I would leave out the point about Advertisements and building analytical skills in particular as it would not be of any interest to a child, and they would more than likely stop reading the article. I would make sure I have clear but short written reasons as to why for example they should read books, and try not to go on for too long.