Vladimir Propp's Theor of Narrative
Vladimir Propp suggested that characters took roles of narrative "spheres of action" or functions.
From a comprehensive study of folktales Propp came up with seven character types.
The Hero --> Usually a male, is the agent who restores the "normal occurance" or "equilibrium, often on embarking on a quest or search.
Propp said there was two Hero's;
The Victim Hero --> who is the center of the villain's attentions, e.g. Harry Potter, Spiderman ,Frodo etc.
The Seeker Hero --> Who aids others who are the villain's victims.
The False Hero --> The false hero appears to be good but is revealed at the narratives end to have been bad.
The villain --> Who usually creates the narrative disruption e.g. Voldemort.
The Donor--> Gives the hero something, it may be an object, information or advice, which helps in a resolution of the narrative (story)
The Helper --> Aids the hero in the task of restoring equilibrium.
The Princess (The victim) --> Is usually the character most threatened b the villain and has to be saved at the climax.
The father --> (who in a fairy tale gives the Princess away to the hero at the climax)
The Dispatcher --> Sends the hero on their journey.
(Characters can fulfill more than one sphere type, e.g. a princess can be a helper, a helper can also be a donor)
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