MI High is about a group of average school children, who are actually spys and have an underground base unit in the school. The episode I watched was about the 3 school students having to take a MI test with 3 other spys from prison, before the school test they have ends. But during the MI test, ninjas come into the school and cause havoc, and it's up the the MI spys, Rose, Blane and Daisy to solve the situation.
The episode i watched had "cheesy" music, in the beginning and all the way through the episode, which is irritating for me, but for the younger audience it helps capture the scene or for example let you know if something is going to happen by the tune of the music.
The setting was in school, which is good for a children's drama and it is relatable to children, and is also good because their base unit is set under the school, so they didnt necessarily need any other scene areas other than the school and the base unit for this episode.
And like a lot of children's dramas, the storyline was very un realistic, having children being spys, and the fact ninjas broke into the school isn't the usual thing you'd get in a school.
Also like children's dramas, a problem occurs, in this episode there was multiple problems, the first problem was that the ninjas came into the school and started breaking stuff and disabling the spy cameras, the head of the spy clan (Lenny) goes to investigate and gets knocked out, which is the second problem, as the spys have to stop taking there test to go help him, indoing so may lose their spy badges. The third problem was that the man in charge of the test (James Blonde) was behind the whole ninja ordeal, and then tricks "the worm" one of the prison spy's into deleting info on the computer which ends up self destructing the school, so the spy's have to save the school and the people in it while stopping James Blonde.
But the end of the episode all was resolved and everything was back to normal, so there was a happy ending, which usually occurs in a children's drama.
The episode had bad puns or jokes. An example of a bad joke in the episode, is when a blonde man walks into the scene and says "I'm Blonde, James Blonde" instead of "Bond". This isn't funny to older viewers, but the programme is designed for young teenagers, so therefor these kinds of jokes would be found amusing by that democratic as thats what the programme is aimed towards.
Like most teenage dramas, MI High has more than one main character, the 3 spys are the main characters, and they are all unique which is another factor of a children's drama, to promote being different and being yourself, as all children are different.
There was also hidden talents in the episode. 2 of the prision spy's, the Worm and Violet, had talents, the Worm was really good at hacking, and working with technology, and Violet was good at breaking into places, and being independent and quick thinking.
All in all it was an imaginative story line and one that would really hook on to the ideal viewer