Friday, 23 September 2011

Bernards Watch “ A Little More Time”


Bernard’s Watch “A Little More Time”

Copyright and health and safety issues

Health and safety is important on a set. Producers in the children’s drama have to ensure that the set is practical and that the people that are working with, and for the producers and not at risk of health and safety. So you should have at least one crew member that is experienced and aware of health and safety issues and how to overcome them. In a children’s drama, the children partially needs to be protected from hazards that may occur, dangers such as faulty props that may be a danger to the children, such as a lose set of lighting that could fall down, maybe wires are loose on the floor and someone could trip over and really hurt yourself, so to prevent that they are taped to the floor. Not all hazards are physical, you could have older crew members swear off stage and the children hearing them and repeating it. Also things like adult humour could also be a hazard as once again a child could hear it and maybe be affected. There should also not be alcohol on set, as a child might drink it by accident, so no drinks like alcohol is appropriate around the set.
 Children need to be safe on set as for a start if they get injured the production has to stop until they get better, also if a child gets hurt, where they are still looked after by their parents they may sue against the production company for their child getting hurt. Children also need to be careful because they may put other actors or fellow production members at risk, for example if they are running around on set, they may hurt someone, or damage equipment, so they have to be careful and mature on set. Other dangers are for viewers, they can film their child actors for example running into a busy road, as it may promote bad behaviour to a child viewer and they may get hurt themselves.

Children also need to be looked after on set, so children need time off to catch up on their education that they are entitled too, also there should be a food stand supplied on set so if anyone on set gets hungry there is food for them, so they don’t have to go off set to get good, which could also be dangerous for the children if they go out on their own.

Copyright is important when creating any film or TV series, as if it’s not copyrighted someone could steal their idea and put it as their own, however if it’s protected by copyright then another person has to ask before they can copy the work, rent, let other borrow or give out copies of the work out to others, perform, broadcast or show the work in public and adapt the work. To copyright your work you put the copyright “C” on your work, and post yourself it but don’t open it as if you open it it’s not proof of copyright if someone tries to use the work as their own.
Bernard’s Watch “A Bit More Time”

Codes of practice

A children’s drama should be legal, decent and safe, there are certain rules and regulations that when filming a children’s drama you have to follow.  Firstly when working with child actors you need to consider their health and well being. For a start if the under 16, they will need a license from their local authority, so that they can participate in the film. The licence will include a medical certificate and a statement on the performing hours; if they don’t have this then they can’t be in the production. There are also a restriction on how long a child can be on set for, this is due to maybe their education, which is important as a child as every child is entitled to an education and just because their an actor/actress doesn’t mean they don’t need qualifications, so the director will have to fit filming around that, also maybe to do with their health, as having a break every so often may be needed and having some free time to themselves.
Other than that there are certain things you shouldn’t have in the children’s drama to protect the child viewer. Gore and strong violence such as fighting, shouting or physical and mental abuse or even animal cruelty should not be shown on a children’s drama as it could traumatise the viewer, by scaring them, as it could be happening to them at home and could be too realistic, if showing violence in a children’s drama it would have to be very bland and carefully thought out. Other things such as adult humour, inappropriate dress and nudity shouldn’t be in a children’s drama because, it isn’t necessary for a children’s drama and children wouldn’t understand the humour. Use of bad language such a swearing and sex references shouldn’t be used in a children’s drama because a child may copy the words that aren’t needed, also it could offend a viewer watching it, but in general swearing and sex references also are not needed. Murder shouldn’t been shown on a children’s drama as it can be traumatising and upsetting for the child, if showing death it should be subtle and have a meaning behind it that isn’t horrific such as a family member dying of old age. Racism and negative stereotypes shouldn’t be used as it is promoting discrimination to a person that isn’t appropriate and may offend a viewer. Using real weapons and law breaking shouldn’t be in a children’s drama as its also promoting bad behaviour and isn’t needed. Using drugs and alcohol also shouldn’t be used because it isn’t age appropriate in a children’s drama and could also traumatise the viewer seeing someone their age in a bad position. And finally have flashing lights shouldn’t really be used as it could really affect people with epilepsy which isn’t fair and is discriminating against them as they cannot watch it.
My episode of Bernard’s watch doesn’t have any of these in it, I liked the fact it is a very calm programme. The start up isn’t flashy and in your face, and the episode as a whole is very calm and slow moving so it isn’t discriminating people with epilepsy. However other children’s dramas such as The Sarah Jane adventures and Tracey Beaker both have flashy opening credits so children with epilepsy may not be able to watch them. The only thing that may be wrong with this episode of Bernard’s Watch and the series as a whole is that he uses his watch to cheat. In this episode he uses his watch to stop time and see the answers to the maths test, and look at his friend’s answers, which may not be good as it could be promoting cheating. Other than that they use full grammar with no slang or swear words, the dressing is just average clothing and age appropriate and there isn’t any violence gore or sexual references, on a whole it’s a good children’s drama. 
Bernard’s Watch “A Little More Time”               
Narrative and Characterisation

“A little More Time” is quite a narrative episode; however it doesn’t tell you the story of all that has happened previously, it only shows things directly into the episode, which is called the plot. The plot of the story is that Bernard uses his watch in daily activities in school to get him out of awkward situations, and ends up getting the highest score on the mental maths test his teacher set, and his parents being proud.  Bernard’s watch as a whole is different as Tzvetan Todorov’s theory of narrative stages goes back and forth as there are constantly little problems occurring that he needs his magic watch for. The five stages are, firstly a state of equilibrium, secondly a disruption of the equilibrium, thirdly a recognition that there has been a disturbance, fourthly an attempt to repair the disruption, and lastly a equilibrium is restored.  Bernard’s watch episode starts off with a state of equilibrium, where he is off to school on a normal day. The first disruption is when the teacher sets a mental maths test, and then Bernard realises he takes a while to figure the problems out. He then tries to attempt to repair the disruption by using his magic watch and stopped time, to give him the time to figure each problem out with the time he needs, and gets top of the class. Equilibrium seems to have been restored but then the head teacher calls him into his office and once again he’s faced by yet more maths questions and there has been a disruption again. Once again Bernard has to attempt to restore the situation by using his watch. So there are more than 5 set stages in this storyline.

The narrative was a restrictive narration. All children’s dramas are restrictive because there’s only so much information you can give to the audience without spoiling the storyline, however a news channel would be an unrestrictive narration as a news channel has no limits in what it can tell you. Even though it’s a restrictive narration, you do have a narrative speaker, telling the story to you as you go along, giving you a bit more information of what Bernard is thinking which is good for children as they can follow through and listen and if they got a bit confused the narrator will be telling them what’s happening. But still the narrator can still only tell you what’s happening at that moment in time and cannot tell you what’s going to happen next.  Which could also been seen as a bit of objective character identification, as your getting Bernard’s thoughts being told to you by the narrator.

 There are some of Propp’s theory of Narrative is in this episode, he said that characters take up the role of narrative functions,  and he came up with seven character types, however in this episode I only found 3 of the character types.  We have the hero, Bernard.  A hero is usually a male and they restore the narrative equilibrium. Bernard in the episode gets himself out of trouble by using his magic watch to stop time and fix the problems that come his way, which makes him a hero. There were two villains in the story; the villain is the one who usually creates the narrative disruption. The villains were his school teacher, who set the class the mental maths test, and then later on, the head teacher, who called Bernard into his office because he didn’t believe Bernard did that well on the test without some form of help, and gave him maths questions on the spot. I decided these were villains because to children, having a test is a bad thing and would think of their teacher as villain for setting it. And finally there was the dispatcher. The dispatcher is the one who sends the hero on their journey. The dispatcher was Bernard’s dad, as it was his dad who dropped him off to school to start his journey though the day.

All series have a modular narrative; a modular narrative is a form of setting out the way in which it’s presented. This episode is an episodic narrative.  An episodic narrative is narrative put together of loosely connected incidents, each one more or less the same and often connected by a central character or characters and is one way of constructing the plot. It applies to this episode and the series as a whole because it’s about the main character Bernard, and the little problems he comes across during his day. It’s a good narrative for a children’s drama because it’s simple and easy to follow, so children will be able to understand it better, than if it was an anachronic modular narrative for example, the use of flashbacks and/or flash-forward’s with no clear meaning as to why it’s there, would really confuse children so it isn’t appropriate for that type of audience. 

The new version of Bernard's watch is slightly different with narration. It still is a restricitive narration as it can only tell you so much information, and it is still and episodic narrative, however there is no narration and Bernard speaks more for himself then the viewer being told what he is doing. They changed this so the new Bernard's watch would fit in better with modern children's dramas. The new Bernard's watch also has more minor characters in the series, so they would be more roles fitted for Propp's narrative theory.

Bernard’s Watch “A Bit More Time”

Codes and conventions

The series Bernard’s watch is a children’s TV drama aired on ITV in the 1990’s and is about a typical young boy called Bernard, who is always late and wishes for more time, and one day his wish comes true by being given a special watch with the ability to stop time.

Bernard’s watch, “a bit more time” is the second episode of Bernard’s watch. It’s about Bernard in school, and starts off with him in school struggling with his maths test and using his magic watch to stop time and help him with the test, and ending up using it in other activities during the day.
The main setting was Bernard’s school, which is good setting for a children’s drama and it is relatable setting to children as it’s a place that children experience themselves, and the other setting was Berard’s house. These are both good setting as it would be on a low budget and they are both places that children experience and can have an understanding of. The style of Bernard's watch is quite old fashioned, around the 1990's style so the style of it was the style of the century it was created. The family house is fairly big and at the same time it's an average house with nothing out of the ordinary, quite wooden and well decorated, it’s a nice big house but it’s on an estate so they’re not really posh or rich, so already looking at the house before seeing the characters you get an idea of what they are like. All in all it looks like the family made an effort to make the house welcoming. The community centre is also average, like most community centres, white wood panelling and plain on the inside with big rooms. The style of clothes are plain are quite stereotypical towards e.g. the dad was wearing a suit, showing he’s probably a business man. The boy is dressed pretty averagely for a boy his age, wearing plain coloured clothes and a plain hairstyle. But all the characters looked unique which is important to a children’s drama because it influences a child to be unique.

From watching the opening credits, I noticed it’s very bright and colourful and grabs the target audience’s attention. The music is very basic with the use of flutes and is very calm, nothing like the opening music from children’s dramas today, e.g. Tracey Beaker, which uses more pracussion music and is very in your face with all the flashing lights and bright colours. The first camera shot is a tilt long shot, looking up at Bernard, this is an important and good first shot for the drama as it shows he’s superior to the watch, but the watch is also vital to the series as you can also see the watch in the shot.  From watching the opening credits, you notice that the main character is a child, this is an important code for a children’s drama, as having child actors is relatable to the audience and they can understand and believe his diegesis more as they are children themselves and experience similar things in their world. It’s also important showing Bernard in the opening credits as it shows who that there is a main character is the story wish is an important part to a children’s drama as the children can get to know the characters and understand it better. The new version of Bernard watch is similiar in the way the opening credits have both Bernard and the watch in, with the use of clocks in one part in the background before the series starts, however the opening credits again are more modern to fit in with children's dramas today. The music has the use of more pracussion than slow calming instruments, and shows all the characters in the series, instead of just Bernard and the watch. The setting of the start up is in school, which is good because it shows straight away where the series is being held, where as the old series start up credits are set in a green field.

Children’s dramas have certain conventions that it needs to follow. It was a fairly unrealistic storyline, having a boy who can stop time is imaginative, but it’s good thing to have in a children’s drama as it needs to have some excitement in it to keep the viewers attention and if it’s too realistic the children may get bored and not watch it all the way through. Bernard’s watch also has problems that occur. The problem in this episode is that firstly his teacher sets his class a maths test and Bernard isn’t good at maths and struggled to answer the questions. Problems are usually a big part of a children’s drama, because they are usually minor problems and are useful as children can relate to them because Berard’s problem with struggling with maths is what children usually struggle with, and there for can understand what he’s going through. Afterwards the problem is usually resolved and everything is fine and there is usually a happy ending. Bernard resolved the problem by using his watch to stop time, to give him extra time to help him solve the questions his teacher asked. The happy ending in this episode is where Bernard’s parents are proud of Bernard for doing well at school and he is happy. It’s important to have a happy ending in a children’s drama because you don’t want the audience to be upset after watching the episode. The problem that occurs shouldn’t be too difficult for children to follow, as if a child is confused they won’t carry on watching it.

Another code to a children’s drama is evil adults. You expect to see evil adults in the children’s drama and it’s good because children usually have a clash with adults and so it is relatable to the audience. An example of this is the headmaster of the school, for testing Bernard more maths after he just got top marks on the test, all because he didn’t believe Bernard could get full marks on a test. It’s good to have evil adults in children’s dramas, because children usually have a clash with adults and so it is relatable to the audience.
During the episode, there are close up tilt shots of Bernard’s watch when he clicks it to stop time, facing down towards the watch. This is important as it gets you into the frame of mind that the watch is a big part of the story but also not as  important as Bernard as we are looking down at the watch, not up and that he is about to use it. Without the Bernard the watch is useless. It’s also a way of showing Bernard’s hidden power, which is another convention of a children’s drama. There are other basic camera shots such as medium long shots and medium close ups, point of view shots, zooming shots and tracking shots. There is a zooming shot at the beginning, of the camera zooming into Bernard’s house to set the scene. And after there is a tracking shot of Bernard walking down the stairs to go out the front door, and as you follow him down the stairs it goes into a medium two shot with him and his mum. And an example of a medium close up is of Bernard outside his house when he realises he has his slippers on. They use these shots as they are simple, so therefor they are easier for a child to watch, whereas other shots like panning shots, may not be as good to use in a childrens drama as the shot may move to quickly for a child to follow.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011



Bernard's watch was a restricted narration as it didnt show us the whole story, and left it open to see what was going to happen to bernards life. The versimilitude in bernards watch was broken as it contained a watch that could stop time whenever bernard clicked it, however this was normal to Bernard as it was his own personal diegesis, and so by the audience seeing bernards story, it was believable that he had found a watch that could stop time.


The content of Bernards watch, episode 1 was in chronological order and followed Todorov's theory of narrative as stage one showed Bernard living his normal life, but always being late. Stage two showed Beranrd being late for a birthday party. Stage 3 showed the adults at the party telling Bernard he was late and Bernard realising he had forgotten to bring a present. Stage 4 showed Bernard going back to his house and borrowing a key from his next door neighbour to get into hia house to get some money to buy the birthday present. And stage 5 showed Bernard giving the present and equilibrum has been restored.

There wasnt much to say about the pace about Bernards Watch apart from that all the events that occured happened within the same day.

Mise En scene:
The mise-en-scene for the show was fairly average for a children's drama in the scenes. they included props such as the watch and a toy gun. the costumes were normal for children such as school uniforms and parents dressed in suits and ties.


The setting started of at his house, as a good simple start off to the children's drama. It's a typical family home with the mum, dad and thier son Bernard. It's good to start off in a family home as it's more relatible to children and not too complicated. They mostly showed the stairway of the house, and the front door to focuse on how many times he went back and forth from his house and so it was cheeper. The other main setting is the community centre, where his friends party was being held. This is also a relatible setting because the time it was set in, most towns would have a community centre and would be where things like partys were held. The episode only really needed these two main settings so it was quite a cheep episode. However other scenes were used, such as his next door neighbours front door and kitchen, a bit of the park, a shop and outside the community centre.


The style of Bernard's watch is quite old fashioned, around the 1990's style. The family house is fairly big and at the same time it's an average house with nothing out of the ordinary, quite wooden and well decorated, looks like the family made an effort to make the house welcoming. The community centre is also average, like most community centres, white wood panelling and plain on the inside with big rooms. The style of clothes are plain are quite stereotypical towards e.g. the man was wearing a suit.


There aren't many of Propp's theory of narrative in the first episode. The characters in the story were
  • Mum
  • Dad
  • Bernard
  • Postman
  • Lady next door (next door neighbour)
  • Friend
  • Friends mum
Bernard is the Hero because he restores the equilibirum by using the magic watch to get his friend a present and get to his party without being noticed that he wasn't there.
The postman who gives Bernard his watch plays 3 roles is Propp's theory, he plays the Donor, as he gives Bernard the watch, He's the Helper, as he explained and gave information as to why he gave him the watch, and he is also the Dispatcher by giving him the watch , he sends him off on his journey to restore equilibirium.
The lady next door is aslo a Donor, as she gives bernard a spare key to his house, so he can get indoors and change.

Monday, 19 September 2011


Panning shot /Whip pans --> Flicking from side to side of a fixed position
Crabbing --> Moving from side to side (not fixed position)
Tilt --> Where camera goes up and down in fixed position
Tracking shot --> Following somebody
Zooming shot --> Getting close up without having to move positions

ECU/BCU (Extreme Close Up/Big Close Up --> Good to show emotion/cutaway
Establishing/panoramic shot --> Before you cut into first scene, e.g. "Friends" Show Flat building before flat.
Mid shot:
--> Medium long shot --> Just above waist e.g. News.
--> Medium close up
--> Two shot
Point of view shot --> Seeing what the character sees.

Episode of Sarah Jane Adventures

Some shots in the episode ;

ECU --> of Maria going to sleep
Tilt --> Downwards looking at the estate, showing Maria's side of the road. upwards when Maria looks at Sarah Jane's house (showing the house's authority and importance, and again looking up as alien fly's away. (Tilts are useful when introducing a programme and characters as depending on how its tilted shows the importance of what is being filmed)
Two long shot--> with Sarah Jane and alien
Medium long shot-->  with Jane on her own


Modular narratives in contemporary cinema
by Allen Cameron

Modular narratives " articulate a sense of time as divisible and subject to manipulation".

Cameron identified modular narratives as four different types

  • Anachronic 
  • Forking paths 
  • Episodic
  • Split screen
Anachronic modular narrative -->  uses flashbacks and/or flashfowards, with no clear dominance between any of the narrative threads. These narratives also often repeat scenes directly or via a different perspective. examples include;
  • Pulp
  • Fiction and Memento
Forking Paths narrative -->  shows alternative versions of a story showing the possible outcomes that might result from small changes in a single event of group of events. 

Episodic narrative --> Are organised as an abstract series or narrative anthology. Abstract series type of narrative is characterized by the operation of a non narrative formal system which appears to dictate (or at least overlay) the organisation of narrative elements such as a sequence of numbers or the alaphet. Anthology consists of a series of shorter tales which are apparently disconnected but share a random similarity, such as all "episodes" being survivors of a shipwreck.

Split-screen narrative --> Different from other types of modular narrative previously, because their modularity is articulated along spatial rather than temporal lines. These films divide the screen into two or more frames, juxtaposing events within the same visual field, in a sustained fashion, examples include Timecode.


Todorov suggested that conventional narratives are structured in five stages; 

Equilibirum meaning normal occurrences.

1 --> A state of equilibrium at the outset
2 --> A disruption of the equilibrium by some action
3 --> A recognition that the equilibrium has been disrupted
4 --> An attempt to repair the disruption
5 --> A reinstatement of the narrative structure (back to normal)


Vladimir Propp's Theor of Narrative

Vladimir Propp suggested that characters took roles of narrative "spheres of action" or functions.
 From a comprehensive study of folktales Propp came up with seven character types.

The Hero --> Usually a male, is the agent who restores the "normal occurance" or "equilibrium, often on embarking on a quest or search.
Propp said there was two Hero's;
The Victim Hero --> who is the center of the villain's attentions, e.g. Harry Potter, Spiderman ,Frodo etc.
The Seeker Hero --> Who aids others who are the villain's victims.

The False Hero --> The false hero appears to be good but is revealed at the narratives end to have been bad.

The villain --> Who usually creates the narrative disruption e.g. Voldemort.

The Donor--> Gives the hero something, it may be an object, information or advice, which helps in a resolution of the narrative (story)

The Helper --> Aids the hero in the task of restoring equilibrium.

The Princess (The victim) --> Is usually the character most threatened b the villain and has to be saved at the climax.

The father --> (who in a fairy tale gives the Princess away to the hero at the climax)

The Dispatcher --> Sends the hero on their journey.

(Characters can fulfill more than one sphere type, e.g. a princess can be a helper, a helper can also be a donor)


Narrative is defined as "A chain of events in a cause effect relationship occurring in time"

(Bordwell & Thompson, film art, 1980)

Narrative Range 

Unrestricted Narration --> a narrative which has no limits to the information that can be shared --> e.g. a news channel.
Restricted Narration --> Only offers certain information regarding the narrative, i.e. Thrillers, certain documentaries (event documentaries)

Narrative Depth 

Subjective Character Identification --> The viewer is given unique access  to what a range of characters see and do.
Objective Character Identification --> The viewer  is given unique access to a characters point of view such as seeing things from the characters mind, dreams, fantasies or memories --> Harry Potter is a good example of this as you get to see into his mind and what he is thinking when Voldemort goes into his mind.


Codes --> What you expect to see
Conventions --> What you expect to happen

Diegesis --> The internal world created by the story that the characters themselves experience and encounter --> as we encounter in our everyday lives as "normal", they do in theirs --> e.g. Star Wars, Doctor Who etc.

Versimilitude --> Believe ability --> How we believe the diegesis, e.g. we believe in Doctor Who that it is usual in their diegesis.

Story and plot

Story --> All events referenced both explicitly in a narrative and inferred (including back story as well as whats on screen, e.g. Narnia, they refer to the war that happened before the Ice Queen took over
Plot --> The events directly incorporated into the action of the text and the order in which the are presented --> so what is generally shown.


Thursday, 15 September 2011


How can you tell it's an older children s drama

The music is slow and calm, with proper instruments like the violin.
The start up credits is really layed back, with plain colours and a slow moving background, whereas modern children's dramas such as Tracey Beaker, the start up credits are bright purples and reds, that's all flashy, with cartoon drawings. And the narration was in full grammar, with no slang words such as "Oh God" or "init"

The Queens Nose

Characters --> Sisters --> hate between them, through series fighting over dominance between two
It started off with the first camera shot with a boy looking up at something, so already its clear the thing he is looking at is more superior to the boy, and then the next shot has the thing he was looking at, the girl, and this time the camera is looking up at her, from the boys point of view.

Textual analysis

--> Narrative --> How the story line is told.
--> Content --> What's in it
--> Camera angles --> Eye level, High angle, Low angle, Bird's eye, Slanted
--> Mise-en-scene --> All that is in the shot
--> Characters
--> Location --> Where the scene is filmed
--> Target audience --> Who it is aimed at, e.g girls, boys, age limit.


MI High is about a group of average school children, who are actually spys and have an underground base unit in the school. The episode I watched was about the 3 school students having to take a MI test with 3 other spys from prison, before the school test they have ends. But during the MI test, ninjas come into the school and cause havoc, and it's up the the MI spys, Rose, Blane and Daisy to solve the situation.
The episode i watched had "cheesy" music, in the beginning and all the way through the episode, which is irritating for me, but for the younger audience it helps capture the scene or for example let you know if something is going to happen by the tune of the music.

The setting was in school, which is good for a children's drama and it is relatable to children, and is also good because their base unit is set under the school, so they didnt necessarily need any other scene areas other than the school and the base unit for this episode.
And like a lot of children's dramas, the storyline was very un realistic, having children being spys, and the fact ninjas broke into the school isn't the usual thing you'd get in a school.

Also like children's dramas, a problem occurs, in this episode there was multiple problems, the first problem was that the ninjas came into the school and started breaking stuff and disabling the spy cameras, the head of the spy clan (Lenny) goes to investigate and gets knocked out, which is the second problem, as the spys have to stop taking there test to go help him, indoing so may lose their spy badges. The third problem was that the man in charge of the test (James Blonde) was behind the whole ninja ordeal, and then tricks "the worm" one of the prison spy's into deleting info on the computer which ends up self destructing the school, so the spy's have to save the school and the people in it while stopping James Blonde.
But the end of the episode all was resolved and everything was back to normal, so there was a happy ending, which usually occurs in a children's drama.

The episode had bad puns or jokes.  An example of a bad joke in the episode, is when a blonde man walks into the scene and says "I'm Blonde, James Blonde" instead of "Bond". This isn't funny to older viewers, but the programme is designed for young teenagers, so therefor these kinds of jokes would be found amusing by that democratic as thats what the programme is aimed towards.

Like most teenage dramas, MI High has more than one main character, the 3 spys are the main characters, and they are all unique which is another factor of a children's drama, to promote being different and being yourself, as all children are different.

There was also hidden talents in the episode. 2 of the prision spy's, the Worm and Violet, had talents, the Worm was really good at hacking, and working with technology, and Violet was good at breaking into places, and being independent and quick thinking.

All in all it was an imaginative story line and one that would really hook on to the ideal viewer

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


A problem occurs --> for example and argument, something goes wrong for example in a plan, a character may lose something, or maybe a problem has to be solved.
A happy ending --> this is usually an occurrence in a children's drama.
A moral of the story --> this is also usually a common occurrence in a children's drama.
Hybrid genre --> meaning there is more than one genre in type of media, for example a comedy horror.
Annoying family member/s
Bad jokes --> Jokes that are for the younger target audience, they are usually pranks or bad puns, for example in an episode of MI High, a character says "I'm Blonde, James Blond" which older viewers wouldn't find amusing.
Evil adults
Sometimes a twist --> Sarah Jane adventures have a twist.
Setting --> Sometimes set in a school or places children can relate to.
Unrealistic story lines --> for example that children have powers, spy's, sometimes magic involved, wacky characteristics from parents or other children, etc.
Characters --> A children's drama usually has more than one main character, for example "My Parents are Aliens" all the characters are about the same as importance. Another example is "The Queen's Nose" Because  you have the main characters which are: the younger sister Harmony, her friend, Sam and Harmony's sister, Melody.
Budget --> Children's dramas are usually on a lower budget as there isn't much editing and animation involved as say a horror movie.
Sometimes a cliffhanger
Hidden talent/power --> Some children's dramas include magic. Harmony in "The Queens nose" has the ability to make wishes come true by rubbing her finger on a special 50 pence coin on the Queens nose. MI high, the children come across to others as average school students, when really they are secret agents, so they have hidden abilities.
All character are unique 



  • Video editing
  • Research
  • Codes and Conventions
Codes means things in which it must include,  like rules and things you expect to see. And conventions means what a genre has to stick too and what you expect to happen.
 Genre means type or category of media in which the film for example is, e.g horror or comedy.)

Examples of some children's dramas are:

Tracey Beaker                          Sarah Jane Adventures                          Even Stevens
Grange Hill                                Bernard's watch                                    The Worst Witch
The Young Dracula                   My Parents are Aliens                            The Queen's Nose
The Demon Headmaster            Big Kids                                               That's so Raven
Primeval                                    Bykergrove                                           Leonardo

And more.


Saturday, 10 September 2011

Ask Kids!

Ask Kids is a search engine designed for children especially.
It's special because the engine has blocked out all inapropriate websites so that when a child tries to search something inapropriate, the search engine will come up with no results, this helps with the safety for children in two ways.
  • It protects the child from dangerous websites, that might cause pop-ups and virus's to try and get onto the computer, or any malwqre the child may accidently put onto their computer.
  • And it also protects the child from any rude language or dodgey websites that may come up on popular search engines such as "Google"


CEOP  help children stay safe online. And if someone has acted inappropriately towards a child  by for example a sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes a child feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up that they do not know, That child can report it to CEOP.
CEOP provide advice and people to talk to such as Childline, and provide help from children ages 5 onwards.


Friday, 9 September 2011

There's two things we need to do when using a computer.
 first of all is to protect ourselves on the computer from things such as cyber bullying, having details stolen from us, e.g card details, or hacking of social network accounts like Facebook.

The second thing is to protect our computer from things such as:
  • ardware (marketing software)
  • downloading malware (dangerous software)
  • trojans (invaders)
  • and other types of viruses.