What are they?
Film directors oversee everything on a movie set and have to portray that in the film. It’s their interpretation of the script that they are given script that makes the film what it is so the director is a really important role in production.
What they do:
A director's work begins in pre-production, when he works on casting and the script. He oversees filming and designs every scene again from his interpretation. He coaches the actors/actresses with their performances. In post-production, he oversees the editing of the movie and cuts it together to what he thinks works best.
Who they work with:
Directors work with the actors, set designers, costumers, editors and lighting technicians. They deal with everyone from the makeup artists and tech workers to cinematographers and art directors to make sure everything is how they want and imagine it to be.
Some directors are also producers and script writers. James Cameron for example, wrote, produced and directed “Avatar”
What a director should bring into the role/skills:
Directors must have an artistic vision and creative skills to develop an engaging and original film. If you don’t have an artistic and creative mind it would be harder to picture something without it being right there in front of you. A director should have a commitment and a deep passion for filmmaking, along with the ability to act as a strong and confident leader.
Directors must have the confidence to make major decisions, but must also be able to communicate, and to collaborate with other members of the team e.g. the producer or writer. And a director should obviously have good communication skills and interpersonal skills.
Directors also must inspire and motivate the team to produce the film they have envisioned from the script, they need the ability to keep the team spirit going. They need an understanding of the filmmaking process and all the job roles involved in getting a film from start to finish, from both technical and creative points of view.
They definitely need attention to detail and to not forget the minor things, such as continuity errors, even if small, and they should have the ability to remain calm and think clearly under great pressure.
While there are numerous training courses and reference books on directing, formal qualifications are not necessary to become a Director, you could have great qualifications but if you don’t have imagination, determination and an artistic eye, you wouldn’t make a great director. Studying the art and craft of directing is important, but the role can only really be mastered through practical experience.
Writing a screenplay, directing one's own short film or an amateur play, are all good starting places. Extensive industry experience is also crucial to this role; up-to-date knowledge of filmmaking techniques and equipment is vital, as is learning how to work with actors to create a performance.
As many Directors work their way up over many years from entry level positions, getting work experience as a Runner on a film set or in a production office is an ideal starting point. Observing successful Directors at work, whilst immersing oneself in the practical process of filmmaking, are vital first steps on this fiercely competitive and highly challenging career path.
What are they?
Producers are the main people involved in television, film and video industries. A producer will oversee each project from start to finish and may also be involved in the marketing and distribution processes
What they do:
Producers arrange the funding by maybe asking around for finance, getting to know people who may be able to help a project and are responsible for keeping the production within the allocated budget . It can include going to meetings and setting up advertising and funding campaigns to get the particular project.
Who they work with:
They work closely with directors and other production staff on the shoot. So therefor they would work closely with the director. They also hire key staff such as the director, as it’s their film so they get to decide who they want to bring the film to life.
What a producer should bring into the role/skills:
Producers first of all must be good businessmen, they need to be able to secure finance for the production, which involves mixing with a variety of people, “bribing” and convincing people to sponsor and give money towards the film. They need to motivate the production team and guide the director in the right lines, in doing so a producer would need excellent communication skills to keep the team working to the best standard and with high spirits.
They also need to be creative visionaries, with the ability to spot and deal with potential problems before they materialise they would need to be creative also when it comes to choosing the right director and actor/actresses, they will need to have the eye to know if they will play the part in their role right. They would need to work well under pressure whilst still motivating the production team. They need an extensive knowledge of cinematic narrative and a thorough understanding of all the creative processes of filmmaking as they are in ultimate control of the overall planning of the production including sales and distribution.
The Producer's responsibility for the project continues for as long as the film is shown globally. They need to be organist when preparing the film, whether its advertising the film or selling it to others. They need to keep to their budget so have a good knowledge of money and how much things are in the film business, whether it’s hiring the director, or writers, or buying equipment or sets.
They need to know the latest health and safety regulations in the workplace and ensure the compliance with regulations of codes of practice.
As the Producer will already have worked in the film industry for some considerable time they will have the necessary driving licence and valid passport.
There are no set qualifications for a Produce, however, as the head of a team of both accounting and creative personnel, the Producer has to have an extensive understanding of the nature of film production as well as a strong grasp of business and financial issues. He/she must have experience of working in the film industry, preferably as part of the Production Team to have an understanding of how everything works.
Script editor
Who are they?
A script editor plans, coordinates, or edits material for publication. They may review proposals and drafts for possible publications. A job as a Script Editor falls under the broader career category of Editors.
What they do:
A script writer basically reads the copy of a script to look out for things such as errors in spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. They can rewrite and edit a copy to improve readability, or supervise others who do this work. They have with the development of the story or content ideas.
They oversee the publication production, including artwork, layout, computer typesetting, and printing, ensuring adherence to deadlines and budget requirements. They also arrange and make sure that copyright is sorted.
Who they would work with:
A script editor would work with the writer as he will go over what the writer has written and maybe add ideas. They may also work with the director, to show them the final script and to go over with the director what works and what doesn’t or what they need to change.
Script Editors should have a keen insight into all aspects of screenplay tone, including genre, style, structure, character, plot, action and dialogue. They must understand the various development stages, including, premises, synopses, beat outlines, step-outlines, treatments and rough drafts.
They should also have a keen understanding of how to use the dramatist's tools, including comic irony, suspense, mystery and dramatic tension, and of the different ways that screen works affect audiences. The best Script Editors provide Screenwriters with a different perspective on their story, as well as reminding them of the production company's requirements, and the market for films. They need shrewd interpersonal and negotiation skills, and must be capable of liaising effectively between Screenwriters and Producers or Development Executives.
They need to be able to work with the writer and other script editors, to get the final outcome, so they need to be flexible, so good communication skills is important in the role.
Script Editors are usually highly educated graduates, and experienced Script Readers, with proven analytical skills, who have taken an industry script editing course. They may also have attended a number of Screenwriting Courses, and should have a comprehensive knowledge of the dramatic and screenwriting theories used by Screenwriters and Producers to guide their work.